2011年3月15日 星期二

Sims 3 自製物件

MTS教學 Tutorials:TS3 Basic HowTo Mesh Guide

  1. Microsoft's .Net Framework 3.5(for s3oc..)
  2. Visual Studio 2008 Runtime(for WesHowe Object Tool)
  1. s3oc (Sims 3 Object Cloner) Download
    ObjectCloner is a tool intended to create new Sims 3 objects by copying and renumbering parts of an original game object.
  2. s3pe (Sims 3 Package Editor) Download
  3. NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop
  4. Wes' Object Tool Download
  5. 匯入/匯出3D軟體的plug-in Download
    Blender Object for Blender
    ObjMSPlugins for Milkshape 1.8.5
  1. 如果s3oc抓不到遊戲目錄的話,要從settings\game folders設定,版本對應如下:
    sp1→High End Loft Stuff、sp2→Fast Lane、sp3→生活休閒組合

  2. 複製物件



    在左方清單選擇想要的物件,然後按右下角的Clone or Fix

    左邊清單列會變成設定視窗,Make Clone的設定如下:
    不包含動畫的物件(如小人不會有互動的物件),就勾選Default resources only與Exclude common resource,想要複製所有資源就反之
    If this is your first meshing project and do not have the DropShadow image resource, you need to ensure this box is unchecked, so it would be included in your cloned .package file.

    然後下方可設定是否包含物件縮圖,勾選Renumber/rename internally並設定名稱來創造新物件編號以防覆蓋原始物件,設定完成按Start,選擇儲存package檔案的位置,等待程式的運作,完成。

  3. 抽出物件


    MTS Wiki Tutorials:TS3 HTMG ChapE Extracting
    MLOD 00000 file
    The main mesh is the MLOD resource with ResourceType 01D10F34 & GroupID 0x00000000 in s3pe
    It will be exported as S3_01D10F34_00000000_*MLOD.lod by ObjTool
    This is the only mesh that has a dropshadow.

    MLOD 10000 file
    This mesh is the companion pair to the above MLOD resource and it is identified by ResourceType 01D10F34 & GroupID 0x00010000 in s3pe
    It will be exported as S3_01D10F34_00010000_*MLOD.lod by ObjTool
    This mesh provides the sunshadow when the object is placed outdoors, with some in-game calculations.

    MODL 00001 file
    This mesh is the companion pair to the main MLOD 00000 resource and it is identified by ResourceType 01661233& GroupID 0x00000001 in s3pe
    It will be exported as S3_01661233_00000001_*MODL.model by ObjTool
    It is recognized by ObjTool as a  filetype.

    MLOD 10001 file
    This mesh is the low-poly version of the main mesh, which will be used on zoom-outs and it is identified by ResourceType 01D10F34 & GroupID 0x00010001 in s3pe
    This mesh provides the sunshadow for the MODL 00001 file when the object is placed outdoors.
    It will be exported as S3_01D10F34_00010001_*MLOD.lod by ObjTool
    All *.lod files are recognized by ObjTool as a  filetype

    Wes Howe:
    The MODL is usually group "00000001" (lod1) and it pairs with "00010001" for it's sun shadow. The other lod0 (main) file will be group "00000000" and it pairs with "00010000" for its sunshadow. But the sunshadow mesh is not the shadow, it is the other half of some sort of template the game uses to make a sunshadow by calculation... as the sun moves, the shadow changes, whereas the dropshadow stays the same.

    先把中下邊的 Display: Names及Tags 勾選起來,讓清單中能顯示這兩個項目,按左下Sort開啟排序,然後到清單列表的Tag標籤按一下以Tag做排序依據,就可找到所有的MLOD及MODL檔案(或者你需要_IMG檔案),選好你要的檔案,選單列的Resource\Export\To file(MLOD會變成副檔名為LOD的檔案、MODL→MODEL、_IMG→DDS)

  4. 解譯

    開啟WesHowe's Object Tool(下載),按MODL/MLOD Info來開啟剛剛Export出的檔案可以檢視相關資訊,可以直接按Decompile來解出更多的檔案,其中需要的是s3acs或mcfg檔案(s3ascg for Blender ?)

  5. 貼圖


  6. 匯入3D軟體(Milkshape3D)

    安裝MilkShape3D1.8.5及ObjMSPlugins.rar(解壓後複製到MS3D安裝目錄即可),開啟MS3D後,先進行註冊(Predator , 5EdKb-lG22d3-d7dG1Dd),選單列file\import\Sims 3 .... 匯入檔案

