fcamel's blog: Python 的特別之處 (1): 從新手的眼中來看 Python,比較能看出 Python 和其它語言不同之處。最近有機會幫別人快速上手 Python,就順便整理一下我從中發覺 Python 較為突出的優點。 list、dictionary and string 平時 coding 最常用到的 container...
blur-devBlur Studio API's, Libraries and Tools : Python and 3dsMax
Dive Into PythonPython from novice to pro: Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. It was originally hosted at DiveIntoPython.org, but the author has pulled down all copies. It is being mirrored here. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.
Dive Into PythonPython from novice to pro: Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. It was originally hosted at DiveIntoPython.org, but the author has pulled down all copies. It is being mirrored here. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.