2012年11月13日 星期二
2012年5月25日 星期五
利用nvidia DDS Utilities - nvDXT進行DDS轉檔
最近嘗試了幾種dds轉檔的方式,用maxScript的缺陷是在於無法產生alpha,用python透過com操作photoshop則是運行耗時、且我找不到dds的save option,利用nvidia DDS Utilities來進行dds轉檔看來是目前最好的方法。
nvidia DDS Utilities是什麼?nvidia的說明是:
included are a set of utilities for manipulating DDS image files, including:
nvDXT, a command-line binary version of the nvDXT library,
detach, a tool that extracts MIP levels from a DDS file,
stitch, a tool that recombines MIP levels into a single DDS file and
readDXT, which reads compressed images and writes TGA files.
Download DDS Utilities >> http://developer.nvidia.com/legacy-texture-tools
nvdxt -profile profile -file file -outdir outdir
nvdxt -profile profile -file file -outsamedir
This program
compresses images
creates normal maps from color or alpha
creates DuDv map
creates cube maps
writes out .dds file
does batch processing
reads .tga, .bmp, .gif, .ppm, .jpg, .tif, .cel, .dds, .png, .psd, .rgb, *.bw and .rgba
filters MIP maps
-quick : use fast compression method
-quality_normal : normal quality compression
-quality_production : production quality compression
-quality_highest : highest quality compression (this can be very slow)
Optional Filtering for rescaling. Default cube filter:
-nomipmap : don't generate MIP maps
-rgbe : Image is RGBE format
-dither : add dithering
-pause : wait for keyboard on error
-flip : flip top to bottom
-timestamp : Update only changed files
-cubeMap : create cube map .
Cube faces specified with individual files with -list option
positive x, negative x, positive y, negative y, positive z, negative z
Use -output option to specify filename
Cube faces specified in one file. Use -file to specify input filename
-volumeMap : create volume texture.
Volume slices specified with individual files with -list option
Use -output option to specify filename
Volume specified in one file. Use -file to specify input filename
-all : all image files in current directory
-deep [directory]: include all subdirectories
-outsamedir : output directory same as input
-overwrite : if input is .dds file, overwrite old file
-forcewrite : write over readonly files
-swapRB : swap rb
-swapRG : swap rg
-outputWrap : wraps overflow values modulo the output format
-binaryalpha : treat alpha as 0 or 1
-alphaborder : border images with alpha = 0
-alphaborderLeft : border images with alpha (left) = 0
-alphaborderRight : border images with alpha (right)= 0
-alphaborderTop : border images with alpha (top) = 0
-alphaborderBottom : border images with alpha (bottom)= 0
-fadecolor : fade map (color, normal or DuDv) over MIP levels
-fadealpha : fade alpha over MIP levels
-border : border images with color
-force4 : force DXT1c to use always four colors
-luminance : convert color values to luminance for L8 formats
-greyScale : Convert to grey scale
Texture Format Default DXT3:
-dxt1c : DXT1 (color only)
-dxt1a : DXT1 (one bit alpha)
-dxt3 : DXT3
-dxt5 : DXT5n
-u1555 : uncompressed 1:5:5:5
-u4444 : uncompressed 4:4:4:4
-u565 : uncompressed 5:6:5
-u8888 : uncompressed 8:8:8:8
-u888 : uncompressed 0:8:8:8
-u555 : uncompressed 0:5:5:5
-p8c : paletted 8 bit (256 colors)
-p8a : paletted 8 bit (256 colors with alpha)
-p4c : paletted 4 bit (16 colors)
-p4a : paletted 4 bit (16 colors with alpha)
-a8 : 8 bit alpha channel
-cxv8u8 : normal map format
-v8u8 : EMBM format (8, bit two component signed)
-v16u16 : EMBM format (16 bit, two component signed)
-A8L8 : 8 bit alpha channel, 8 bit luminance
-fp32x4 : fp32 four channels (A32B32G32R32F)
-fp32 : fp32 one channel (R32F)
-fp16x4 : fp16 four channels (A16B16G16R16F)
-dxt5nm : dxt5 style normal map
-3Dc : 3DC
-g16r16 : 16 bit in, two component
-g16r16f : 16 bit float, two components
Mip Map Filtering Options. Default box filter:
To make a normal or dudv map, specify one of
-n4 : normal map 4 sample
-n3x3 : normal map 3x3 filter
-n5x5 : normal map 5x5 filter
-n7x7 : normal map 7x7 filter
-n9x9 : normal map 9x9 filter
-dudv : DuDv
and source of height info:
-alpha : alpha channel
-rgb : average rgb
-biased : average rgb biased
-red : red channel
-green : green channel
-blue : blue channel
-max : max of (r,g,b)
-colorspace : mix of r,g,b
-norm : normalize mip maps (source is a normal map)
-toHeight : create a height map (source is a normal map)
Normal/DuDv Map dxt:
-aheight : store calculated height in alpha field
-aclear : clear alpha channel
-awhite : set alpha channel = 1.0
-wrap : wrap texture around. Default off
To make a depth sprite, specify:
and source of depth info:
-alpha : alpha channel
-rgb : average rgb (default)
-red : red channel
-green : green channel
-blue : blue channel
-max : max of (r,g,b)
-colorspace : mix of r,g,b
Depth Sprite dxt:
-aheight : store calculated depth in alpha channel
-aclear : store 0.0 in alpha channel
-awhite : store 1.0 in alpha channel
-alpha_modulate : multiplies color by alpha during filtering
-pre_modulate : multiplies color by alpha before processing
nvdxt -cubeMap -list cubemapfile.lst -output cubemap.dds
nvdxt -cubeMap -file cubemapfile.tga
nvdxt -file test.tga -dxt1c
nvdxt -file *.tga
nvdxt -file c:\temp\*.tga
nvdxt -file temp\*.tga
nvdxt -file height_field_in_alpha.tga -n3x3 -alpha -scale 10 -wrap
nvdxt -file grey_scale_height_field.tga -n5x5 -rgb -scale 1.3
nvdxt -file normal_map.tga -norm
nvdxt -file image.tga -dudv -fade -fadeamount 10
nvdxt -all -dxt3 -gamma -outdir .\dds_dir -time
nvdxt -file *.tga -depth -max -scale 0.5
Send comments, bug fixes and feature requests to texturetools@nvidia.com
2012年5月9日 星期三
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions 可簡稱 re / regex / regexp
石頭閒語 : RE in JavaScript
RE JavaScript Tester
For obj in $ do : RE with MAXscript
石頭閒語 : RE in JavaScript
RE JavaScript Tester
For obj in $ do : RE with MAXscript
rx = dotNetClass "System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx" pattern = "^([A-Za-z0-9]+_){2}\d{3}" s = "robot_leftArm_001" if (((rx.match s pattern).success) == true) then (print "success") else (print "fail!")
2012年5月3日 星期四
MAXscript : Find biped
- 利用RootNode這個Property
這個方式是從網上看到的(影片來源),透過能從所有biped骨頭中獲取的rootNode這個property,可取得biped根骨架 。另外也可使用rootName這個property直接獲取rootNode的name。// for o in geometry where classof o == Biped_Object and o.controller.rootNode == o do print o
- 透過Controller的類型
classof bipedNode.controller
利用判別controller的類型來尋找,root的controller類型為Vertical_Horizontal_Turn,root外的biped parts都會是BipSlave_Control,Footsteps即為Footsteps。// for o in geometry where classof o.controller == Vertical_Horizontal_Turn do print o
- 透過biped.getNode這個指令
biped.getNode [bipedNode | bipedCtrl] [limbName | index]
只要知道固定部位的limb name或者index即可用biped.getNode傳回該node,而根骨架的limb name是#vertical、#horizontal、#turn,index為13~15。詳見MAXScript Reference:Biped Node Hierarchy
2012年4月27日 星期五
MAXscript : constraints appendTarget
近日用MAXscript來做批次處理,其中有個步驟是先切biped的FigureMode為true,然後Merge物件並appendTarget $Bip01,但是發現取消FigureMode之後物件的座標點仍是merge時的座標,並未依據$Bip01的位移改變。後來發現在appendTarget後必需要取用物件的position(或者直接取用transform)資訊才會正常。不過若是一步一步手動執行,就沒有這個問題,也不是因為使用disableSceneRedraw、undo off、用fn進行addConstraint所導致。
2012年4月18日 星期三
MAXscript : Skin Copy/Paste
-- --選擇已Skin物件執行Copy, 自動記錄bones和存出env, 再選擇要套用Skin的物件執行Paste套回 --需要設定tempDir供存出env檔案用 --by JanusHaung skinBonesArray = #() tempDir = "D:/MaxProject/export/" envFilename = "" rollout skinCopyPaste "Skin Copy Paste" width:185 height:50 ( button btn_copy "Copy" across:2 button btn_paste "Paste" label lbl1 "" on btn_copy pressed do ( -- 選擇已skin好的物件並執行 if $.modifiers[#Skin] != undefined do ( skinBonesArray = for i in 1 to skinops.getnumberbones $.skin collect skinops.getbonename $.skin i 0 envFilename = tempDir + $.name + ".env" skinOps.saveEnvelope $.skin envFilename lbl1.caption = "Skin copied." ) ) on btn_paste pressed do ( max modify mode if skinBonesArray.count > 0 do ( -- 選擇尚未skin好的模型執行 if $.modifiers[#Skin] == undefined do addmodifier $ (Skin()) for i in 1 to skinBonesArray.count do skinOps.addbone $.skin ( getNodeByName skinBonesArray[i] ) 0 --先執行completeRedraw()才可成功LoadEnvlope completeRedraw() skinOps.LoadEnvelope $.skin envFilename lbl1.caption = "Skin pasted." ) ) ) createDialog skinCopyPaste
[MAXscript] 將所選擇物件轉為物件陣列形式
可將選擇中的物件名稱以#( $node1, $node2, ... )物件陣列的方式印出來
-- 將所選擇的物件名稱輸出成物件陣列形式 by Janus Huang -- 紀錄下所有物件的名稱 tmp = for o in selection collect o.name out = "#( " --把物件名稱去除掉空白格 for i in 1 to tmp.count where matchpattern tmp[i] pattern:"* *" do ( strNew = "" --留下space外的字串成array strTmp = filterString tmp[i] " " --將array結合成string後重新丟回 for s in strTmp do strNew += s tmp[i] = strNew ) for i in 1 to tmp.count do ( --把物件名稱去除掉() if matchpattern tmp[i] pattern:"*(*)*" then ( strNew = "getNodeByName \""+tmp[i]+"\"" tmp[i] = strNew ) else ( tmp[i]="$"+tmp[i] ) if i != tmp.count then out += tmp[i]+", " else out += tmp[i]+" )" ) print out
2012年3月23日 星期五
MAXscript : 圖檔轉檔
在MAXscript Reference 9.0中有寫並不支援輸出DDS檔
sourceImage = openBitMap "filename_string" --定義來源檔案(.psd ..)
outputImage = bitmap sourceImage.width sourceImage.height --定義輸出檔案
copy sourceImage outputImage --拷貝bitmap
outputImage.fileName = "filename_string" --定義檔案路徑
save outputImage --儲存
close sourceImage
DDS : BitmapIOClass不過先用Max來Render輸出1張dds後,就能夠成功的用ms來輸出dds檔案了
instances not creatable by MAXScript, no interfaces or properties exposed
sourceImage = openBitMap "filename_string" --定義來源檔案(.psd ..)
outputImage = bitmap sourceImage.width sourceImage.height --定義輸出檔案
copy sourceImage outputImage --拷貝bitmap
outputImage.fileName = "filename_string" --定義檔案路徑
save outputImage --儲存
close sourceImage
但是openBitMap讀取的PSD檔案不包含alpha(只會有空的alpha 囧)
2012年3月16日 星期五
[3dsMax] 開檔時間異常的慢或者檔案容量異常的大的解決方法
有時會發現Max檔案的容量很大或者是開檔案時會異常的慢,但刪除檔案內所有物件後存檔卻沒有變小,這種檔案是空的卻容量很大的狀況是因為有一些沒有實體的數據資料還殘留在檔案內(例如Motion Mixer, reactor..),在網上找到了解決的方式,第一篇文章說明的很清楚,且有ms檔案可下載:
- Scenes that take a long time to open or save and take up a lot of memory
- Cleanup of a 3d max file. HELP!!!!! - pietro cunin
Cleanup of a 3d max file. HELP!!!!! - marcwe - max file grew too big pls HELP - Alex Ayuso
- 以Maxscript清除trackview nodes的資訊
// 請Copy下面這一行指令在Max中執行 t=trackviewnodes; n=t[#Max_MotionClip_Manager]; deleteTrackViewController t n.controller; gc() // 如果執行後有-- Unknown property: "controller" in undefined 的錯誤訊息代表此方式可能幫不了你了 // 下面將此行指令分行方便瀏覽 t=trackviewnodes n=t[#Max_MotionClip_Manager] deleteTrackViewController t n.controller gc()
如果不會使用Maxscript的話請看下面:開啟Maxscript Listener,熱鍵F11 或者直接用左下角的Listener 貼上指令之後按下九宮格鍵盤區的Enter執行 - 在只需要Objects及Hierarchy的狀況下,只需要File>New>Keep Objects and Hierarchy,就可存出乾淨的檔案
- 也有可能只是Biped骨架系統的Copy Collections造成,刪除掉即可
2012年3月6日 星期二
MAXScript : 讓Max說話
theVoice = CreateOLEObject "SAPI.SpVoice"
theVoice.Speak "Hello"
如此就能讓MAX說話了 : D
來源 http://www.cnblogs.com/sitt/archive/2011/11/22/2258834.html
theVoice = CreateOLEObject "SAPI.SpVoice"
theVoice.Speak "Hello"
如此就能讓MAX說話了 : D
來源 http://www.cnblogs.com/sitt/archive/2011/11/22/2258834.html
2012年3月2日 星期五
MAXscript : Display Layer
Interface: LayerManager
Get the number of layers in the scene
Returns a LayerProperties MixinInterface to the current layer.
getLayerFromName #name
Returns a LayerProperties MixinInterface to the layer with the given name.
layer = layerManager.getLayerFromName #name
--Returns true on success, and an array of all nodes on the layer in the by-reference Out parameter.
layer.nodes &theNodes
select theNodes
Get the number of layers in the scene
Returns a LayerProperties MixinInterface to the current layer.
getLayerFromName #name
Returns a LayerProperties MixinInterface to the layer with the given name.
layer = layerManager.getLayerFromName #name
--Returns true on success, and an array of all nodes on the layer in the by-reference Out parameter.
layer.nodes &theNodes
select theNodes
2012年2月14日 星期二
MAXscript : 如何自動觸發Dialog中的按鈕
在Max中有許多不被MAXscript直接支援的東西,譬如說Load Envelopes等等的Dialog,此時可靠一個callback function來解決,CGS的Bobo分享了這個方法,另外在這邊也有相關討論。
這個callback是case sensitive
fn ANoon_EnvelopeCallbackFunction = ( WindowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle() theDialogName = UIAccessor.GetWindowText WindowHandle if theDialogName != undefined and matchpattern theDialogName pattern:"*Load Envelopes*" do UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle "OK" true ) DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification ANoon_EnvelopeCallbackFunction ID:#ANoon_Envelopes DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
這個callback是case sensitive
2012年2月9日 星期四
MAXscript : Skinops Methods
今天想寫個merge已綁定模型的同時也自動將skin加上去的script,但是當寫到給merge進來的模型add bone的時候就是一直** system exception **,搞了好久一直找不到原因,上網搜了一下找到答案了,原來是skinops的methods一定要在該skin modifier可以被選取的狀態下才可以使用!!真是太不人性化了...
The following methods require that the Skin modifier be the displayed modifier in the Modify panel, and that the Modify panel is active.addbone後要執行load envlope時,又遇到一個問題,load envlope雖然成功執行,但是卻沒有load到envlope,咕狗後發現解決辦法(還有如何執行load envlope dialog的按鈕的方法),一為執行load envlope兩次,二為在load envlope之前加入completeRedraw()。
2012年2月7日 星期二
MAXscript : 控制外部文件
MAXscript 控制外部文件的函數 (適用於max檔案及非max檔案)
getFiles "wild_card_filename_string"
Returns an array of file names that match the given wild-card path name. The following example gets an array of all the .max scene files in c:\foo and then loops over the array, opening each file and printing the objects in each:
files = getFiles "c:\\foo\\*.max"
for f in files do (loadMAXFile f; print objects)
getFiles() can also be used to determine if a file exists.
getDirectories "wild_card_directory_name_string"
Returns an array of directory paths that match the given wild-card directory path name.
makeDir "directorypath_string"all:
Return false on failure (either because the path could not be created or because the path already existed).
deleteFile "filename_string"
Fails if the file is open in MAXScript.
renameFile "old_filename_string" "new_filename_string"
Renames the old file to the new file. This can also be used to move a file between directories. Fails if new file already exists or if the old file is open in MAXScript. Returns true on success, false on failure.
copyFile "existing_ filename_string" "new_filename_string"
Copies the existing file to the new file. Fails if the new file already exists, the new file cannot be created, or the existing file is open in MAXScript. Returns true on success, false on failure.
getFileSize "filename_string"
Returns the size of the specified file in bytes. Returns 0 if the file could not be found.
getFileAttribute "filename_string" "attribute"
setFileAttribute "filename_string" "attribute"
The valid values are:
#readOnly #hidden #system #directory #archive #temporary #normal
getFileModDate "filename_string"
getFileCreateDate "filename_string"
getFileVersion "filename_string"
This data is typically specified only for executable and application extension (i.e., .dll) files.
FileStream Values
openFile [ mode: ]
close filepath
Standard Open and Save File Dialogs
Both functions return a fully-specified file path name or undefined if the user cancels out.
When the optional keyword filename: is supplied, the string is used to define the path and file name of the file to be loaded or saved. The dialog automatically navigates to the specified path (if available on the disk/network), displays its content in the browsing area and suggests the file name in the "File name" field. If the path does not exist, the current path is used and only the file name is displayed as requested.
shellLaunch "notepad.exe" filepath
執行外部程式 eg. Notepad
File Name Parsing 檔名的解析
filenameFromPath "filename_string"
getFilenamePath " filename_string "
getFilenameFile " filename_string "
getFilenameType " filename_string "
doesFileExist " filename_string "
return True or False
getFiles "wild_card_filename_string"
Returns an array of file names that match the given wild-card path name. The following example gets an array of all the .max scene files in c:\foo and then loops over the array, opening each file and printing the objects in each:
files = getFiles "c:\\foo\\*.max"
for f in files do (loadMAXFile f; print objects)
getFiles() can also be used to determine if a file exists.
getDirectories "wild_card_directory_name_string"
Returns an array of directory paths that match the given wild-card directory path name.
makeDir "directorypath_string"
Return false on failure (either because the path could not be created or because the path already existed).
deleteFile "filename_string"
Fails if the file is open in MAXScript.
renameFile "old_filename_string" "new_filename_string"
Renames the old file to the new file. This can also be used to move a file between directories. Fails if new file already exists or if the old file is open in MAXScript. Returns true on success, false on failure.
copyFile "existing_
Copies the existing file to the new file. Fails if the new file already exists, the new file cannot be created, or the existing file is open in MAXScript. Returns true on success, false on failure.
getFileSize "filename_string"
Returns the size of the specified file in bytes. Returns 0 if the file could not be found.
getFileAttribute "filename_string" "attribute"
setFileAttribute "filename_string" "attribute"
The valid
#readOnly #hidden #system #directory #archive #temporary #normal
This data is typically specified only for executable and application extension (i.e., .dll) files.
FileStream Values
Both functions return a fully-specified file path name or undefined if the user cancels out.
When the optional keyword filename: is supplied, the string is used to define the path and file name of the file to be loaded or saved. The dialog automatically navigates to the specified path (if available on the disk/network), displays its content in the browsing area and suggests the file name in the "File name" field. If the path does not exist, the current path is used and only the file name is displayed as requested.
shellLaunch "notepad.exe" filepath
執行外部程式 eg. Notepad
File Name Parsing 檔名的解析
filenameFromPath "filename_string"
getFilenamePath " filename_string "
getFilenameFile " filename_string "
getFilenameType " filename_string "
doesFileExist " filename_string "
return True or False
2012年2月5日 星期日
Maxscript / Python / OLE
(Offical) http://python.org/
(Offical) Wiki http://wiki.python.org/
Google Code University - Python Tutorials
用Python控制Excel的範例 - www.dev.idv.tw
使用Python來控制MS Word (參考, 含說明)
利用Python操作Excel - SkiFF
Python and Com http://www.boddie.org.uk/python/COM.html
Tech Art Tiki: Calling Python from MaxScript
Tech Art Tiki: Photoshop scripting with Python
PhotoshopCS5 VBScript Scripting Reference
dev.idv.tw : 使用Python來控制MS Word
dev.idv.tw : 用Python控制Excel的範例
OpenSourceCode : Python 操作 Word, Excel, Access
(Offical)River Bank http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/
xlrd xlwt
Working with Excel files in Python - http://www.python-excel.org/
OLE Automation
Maxscript to Excel : OLE Automation - Max Help
Setting Up MAXScript OLE Automation - project3d.narod.ru : 如何設定為OLE Server
PS5 OLE Automation Programming Guide
OLE with Excel
blur-devBlur Studio API's, Libraries and Tools : Python and 3dsMax
(Offical) http://python.org/
(Offical) Wiki http://wiki.python.org/
Google Code University - Python Tutorials
用Python控制Excel的範例 - www.dev.idv.tw
使用Python來控制MS Word (參考, 含說明)
利用Python操作Excel - SkiFF
Python and Com http://www.boddie.org.uk/python/COM.html
Tech Art Tiki: Calling Python from MaxScript
Tech Art Tiki: Photoshop scripting with Python
PhotoshopCS5 VBScript Scripting Reference
dev.idv.tw : 使用Python來控制MS Word
dev.idv.tw : 用Python控制Excel的範例
OpenSourceCode : Python 操作 Word, Excel, Access
(Offical)River Bank http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/
xlrd xlwt
Working with Excel files in Python - http://www.python-excel.org/
OLE Automation
Maxscript to Excel : OLE Automation - Max Help
Setting Up MAXScript OLE Automation - project3d.narod.ru : 如何設定為OLE Server
PS5 OLE Automation Programming Guide
OLE with Excel
blur-devBlur Studio API's, Libraries and Tools : Python and 3dsMax
2012年2月3日 星期五
Python 資訊收集
fcamel's blog: 學 Python 的入門書: 常看到有人問這問題,想說來寫篇心得,省得重覆回一樣的問題。 我在學 Python 前已學過別的程式語言,所以想找針對已學過程式的人的書。一開始翻許多人推薦的《Learning Python》,發現它是針對沒學過程式的人,有太多篇幅在介紹基本觀念 (如 if 是什麼 ),翻沒幾...
fcamel's blog: Python 的特別之處 (1): 從新手的眼中來看 Python,比較能看出 Python 和其它語言不同之處。最近有機會幫別人快速上手 Python,就順便整理一下我從中發覺 Python 較為突出的優點。 list、dictionary and string 平時 coding 最常用到的 container...
fcamel's blog: Python 的特別之處 (1): 從新手的眼中來看 Python,比較能看出 Python 和其它語言不同之處。最近有機會幫別人快速上手 Python,就順便整理一下我從中發覺 Python 較為突出的優點。 list、dictionary and string 平時 coding 最常用到的 container...
blur-devBlur Studio API's, Libraries and Tools : Python and 3dsMax
Dive Into PythonPython from novice to pro: Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. It was originally hosted at DiveIntoPython.org, but the author has pulled down all copies. It is being mirrored here. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.
Dive Into PythonPython from novice to pro: Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. It was originally hosted at DiveIntoPython.org, but the author has pulled down all copies. It is being mirrored here. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.
2012年1月29日 星期日
2012年1月11日 星期三
Bone-Gimbal & Gimbal Lock

在3dsMax創bone的時候,座標系的旋轉值會因為創bone時的軸向而異(viewport也有關聯),會造成錯誤的gimbal軸向(Euler Controller的問題,x跟z軸會重疊),導致調curves的時候會異常困難,動態也有問題。在網路上搜到了一個討論串提到了解決方法:
- 建立一個dummy對齊bone的pivot,將bone link給dummy,對dummy上key
- 創好bone之後,選取bone後alt+RMB執行Freeze transform
在搜尋解決方式時也發現了Gimbal Lock一詞,這個現象的相關資料:
Gimbal Lock到底該怎麼稱呼?
Wikipedia:Gimbal Lock
Gimbal Lock 萬向鎖 (內文有滿深入的講解跟有用的連結)
Gimbal Lock到底該怎麼稱呼?
Wikipedia:Gimbal Lock
Gimbal Lock 萬向鎖 (內文有滿深入的講解跟有用的連結)
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