2011年3月15日 星期二

[Maxmsp] 物件備忘錄

scale - Map an input range of values to an output range
scale a b c d : 將a~ab的值作比例轉換至c~d間
The scale object will perform in exponential mode when a fifth argument is specified. This fifth argument must  be greater than 1.0 or the output will be linear.
hi and lo values can be reversed for inverse mapping!
itoa / atoi - integer to ASCII / ASCII to integer
coll - Store and edit a collection of different messages
coll allows for the storage, organization, editing, and retrieval of different messages.
iter - Break a list up into a series of numbers

jit.brcosa - Adjust image brightness/contrast/saturation

bangbang (b) - Send a bang to many places, in order
bangbang takes one argument which specifies the number of outlets and then outputs bang messages out of each outlet from right-to-left when it receives any kind of input.
value - 等同宣告變數並賦予值
value name messagename為變數名稱,message為值,如果值為字串,prepend set
sprintf - Format a message of words and numbers
The sprintf object allows you to use the famous C-language "printf" function inside Max. You can combine symbols, organize lists of numbers, or format messages or menu items. For complete documentation, refer to a standard C library reference manual. 
mousestate - Report the status and location of the mouse

thispatcher - Send messages to a patcher
front - 將patcher顯示在前端(對floating無效)
presentation 0/1 - 切換presentation模式
還有fullscreen, notitle ... 自訂視窗,如取消關閉視窗鈕的功能、視窗無法調整大小等等
loadmess - Send a message when a patch is loaded
當loadmess 99時代表啟動patch時會送出99的message
pack - Combine numbers and symbols into a list
pack takes separate items and combines them into an output list.
route - Selectively pass the output out a specific outlet
The route object takes a message and tries to match its first argument to the route object's own arguments. The rightmost outlet passes any message that matched no other choice, so you may gang route objects to get more choices
zl- Multi-purpose list processing
The zl object performs several kinds of list processing functions. You set the function with a keyword argument, and can change the function performed with the mode message. The behavior of the zl object's inlets and outlets and the types of messages they expect or process varies according to the mode of the zl object. For brevity in the discussion that follows, we refer to any Max message as a list including single elements such as int, symbol, and float and messages that begin with a symbol (a Max list is a message that begins with a number).
  1.  change, filter out list repetitions 
  2.  compare, compare two lists, 比對兩個list, 並列出不同者的idx
  3.  delace, de-interleave a list, 將list交錯的分別列出(依照idx的奇偶數, 將list分為, right outlet是偶數列, left outlet是奇數列)
  4.  ecils slices a list in reverse order: output last N out right outlet, rest out left. right outlet still comes out first. 切割list, right input設定要從後面開始切割幾個,  right outlet則是被切割出來的list, left outlet則是其餘的.
  5.  group, output a list after N items are recevied. input每收到N個數字時才會output
  6.  iter, put out lists of size N successively. 直接將list分為N個一組輸出
  7.  sortslice, zl modes that accept right inlet messages can be initialized with an argument. 
  8.  An optional integer arg sets the maximum list length for all modes of operation for the zl object. The default list length is 256. 
fromsymbol - Transform a symbol into individual numbers/messages
將symbol轉換為numbers/messages, 會去除" "(即symbol)(e.g "set 10"→set 10)
tosymbol - Convert messages, numbers, or lists to a single symbol
有屬性separator, 可設定分隔字元(e.g message為 10 9 8, separator :→10:9:8, separator→1098)

