2011年11月30日 星期三

Maxscript : isValidNode

Returns true if is a node value, and the node has not been deleted. Otherwise, it returns false.
isValidNode $ 
fn isValidNodeFn = ( if $!=undefined then return true else return false )

getSavePath [caption:] [initialDir:]
(MAXscript Reference : Standard Open and Save File Dialogs)
This function displays a folder selection browser for the user to select a folder. Returns a string path name for the selected folder or the value undefined if the user presses Cancel in the folder browser.
If the initialDir: keyword argument is specified, the Browse For Folder dialog will be opened at the specified directory. Symbolic pathnames are acceptable as the pathname. Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

Try Expression
The try expression lets you bracket a piece of code and catch any runtime errors.
This allows you to respond appropriately or take corrective action, rather than let MAXScript halt the execution of your script and print an error message.
try ... catch ...
throw ... ; throw()


getNodeByName "Box01"
theName = "Box01"
theObject = Execute ("$'"+theName+"'")


Displays the specified string on the Prompt Line for the specified number of milliseconds. After the time elapses, the string is popped from the stack. This may be used to put up a temporary error message for example. Control is returned to MAXScript immediately after the call, that is, MAXScript execution continues even while the temporary prompt is displayed.

This function provides functionality similar to the SnapShot tool in 3ds Max. It generates a new node that contains a copy of the world-state mesh of the source at the time that the snapshot is made. Any existing modifiers are collapsed out of the new node and the mesh snapshot accounts for any space warps currently applied. As with the clone methods (copy, reference and instance,) you can add any of the standard node creation keyword arguments, such as pos:, name:, etc.